2apples's video: Stav me kontejnerov d m - sv pomoc EP32
@Stavíme kontejnerový dům - svépomocí EP32
Another part of our house building, we build the thirty-two week, (12.10. - 18.10.2020)
Heating: https://www.maxeco.info/
Tel: +420 602 500 844
E-mail: cz@maxeco.info
They wrote about us:
Windows: Decro Bzenec
Jež a drift team : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3cBBgUDyAggpwR7T80tD6w
As a family, we decided to build an economic and ecological house from 5 shipping 40ft containers. We are, like many of you, limited by money and time. We would like to show you how and how we proceeded. We will mediate this in the form of a reality show, we hope you will laugh or we will motivate you and think about the possibilities that we all have at our disposal. As part of the construction we will shoot for you step by step instructions how to build your own house on our channel @2apples
If you enjoy used music, then believe that we take it (and license it) from here - https://artlist.io/Marek-802633. If you use this link when purchasing your subscription, you will get 2 months free of charge.
Editor: JEZPIC
@kontejnerovedomy @jezadriftteam .inventions @stavimesvepomoci @stavime_svepomoci ímesvépomoci
ekonomický dům z lodních kontejnerů @kontejnerovydůmhranice kontejnerový dům hranice @Svépomocí.cz @HomemadeInventions @Tiny House Listings @izomat kontejnerový dům svépomoci stavíme kontejnerový dům
2apples's video: Stav me kontejnerov d m - sv pomoc EP32