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Influencer Marketing trends in 2020

Influencer marketing has seen exponential growth in the past few years. From being an optional tool for the marketing of products and services to being a core marketing strategy, influencer marketing has been an ever-evolving concept. Although some issues are still there in the evolution process like ghost followers, lack of clarity for some influencer posts but with time Influencer marketing will adapt to these issues. 2020 has been a year of change, from life on the streets to life on social media, there were twists and turns everywhere. Influencer marketing also witnessed some changes in its strategies.

Following are the trends in influencer marketing in 2020

Brands are focusing more on Micro and nano influencers
Nano influencers, influencers with followers below 1K, and Micro-influencers, influencers with followers ranging from 1k-10k have been getting the attention of brands in 2020. The reason behind this trend is the niche and strong bonded audience of these influencers. Since the followers of micro and nano influencers are very less as compared to mega influencers, the engagement of the audience in their content is high. The followers of nano influencers are mostly people who they know personally, so their followers tend to be highly active in their content. Using this to their advantage brands have been collaborating with these micro and nano influencers to have a strong connection with the niche audience these influencers have.

Creating highly engaging video content has become important
Video marketing has taken the world of social media by storm. Thousands of hours of playback have been seen in the past years and what was just a wave in the sea has turned into a big storm. But nowadays every influencer is posting video content, so what makes the video content stand out. ENGAGEMENT! Yes, the main aim of every influencer is to create highly engaging content. For that, they have to keep the factors like their target audience, content topic, video quality, etc in mind. Knowing your audience is an important aspect of creating video content because as a creator one must know what their audience likes. After knowing what content to create, the influencer needs to stay in the boundaries of the topic. Video quality of the content, background, sound, etc all these factors should be kept in mind while making content

Stricter regulations are imposed to streamline Influencer Marketing
It the earlier years influencer marketing had quite a disorderly status, everyone was doing as they pleased. These irregularities were not coming into light in the past since influencer marketing didn't have an impact on social media as it has today. Nowadays influencer marketing has been regulated with strict rules to maintain order. The Federal Trade Commission made all this possible. The FTC had made it very clear that now the influencers have to mention their collaboration with the brand in their content. As long as these influencers refer the products to their audience seamlessly, refer such products which are in reach of the audience and make use of the aid given from social networks. They will be able to stay in the boundaries of the regulations

Live content has become more popular
Live videos are becoming an important tool in influencer marketing day by day. Brands are more interested in investing in live videos more than ever. The reason behind this is the engagement of the crowd in live videos. The audience can communicate with the influencers, this makes the sessions more engaging and connective. Brands are collaborating with influencers to produce live content more keeping in mind the phenomenal potential behind it

Celebrities have become less relevant for influencer campaigns
In the past years, when we used to hear the word influencers, the first thing that would come to our minds would-be celebrities. But now the trend has changed. Brands are now more invested in working with influencers keeping in mind the engagement they can provide for the brand. Celebrities have a higher fan following but normal influencers with 10k-100k followers have an engaging audience and these influencers charge less too. So going with these influencers has become quite profitable for these brands
Influencer marketing has been evolving the recent years and is going to continue involving in the coming years.