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Effective ways to lower calorie intake in milkshakes & smoothies


10 Toddler Smoothies (with Veggies!) Bid Kids Will Love Too!

Are you one of those who wish to drink milkshakes and smoothies but want to avoid the unwanted calories? Of course you do! Being a fitness freak comes with its own pros and cons.

So get out the blender and get started on how to make a less calorie milkshake/ smoothie with the following essential rules. Yes, we know rules is rather a harsh way to put it, but we want to convey how important it is to be intentional when blending your smoothie.

  1.  Use Unsweetened Nut Milk

Get started with a nut-based milk smoothie base. It is not only free of added sugar and preservatives, but of genetically modified organisms as well. Pouring nut-based milk instead of your regular mug of milk will help you avoid lactose, which can potentially cause uncomfortable bloating and is higher in calorie content compared to unsweetened nut milk. Almond and cashew milk are vegan-friendly, as well as boast countless body-friendly nutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus.


  1.  Use Honey Instead of Regular Sugar



Honey: Sweet, low on calories, fructose and glucose, quite contrary to the regular white sugar. It also has a low Glycemic Index, so it does not raise your blood sugar levels as quickly as the classic variety would. Also, we wouldn't recommend making a habit out of consuming honey regularly, because it does have some sugar even if the content is relatively less. Ten again,we are yet to meet a diet-conscious person who’d have a milkshake every single day. Remember, honey is sweeter in taste than sugar, so you'll require a lower amount than regular white sugar.  


  1. Replace Chocolate Syrup with Maple Syrup

Without some sugary syrup in your milkshake on the top, it somehow feels incomplete. Most of us tend to reach for the chocolate syrup bottle, since it's easily available and is a great taste booster. Substituting the sickly-sweet chocolate or strawberry syrup with the equally sweet, but half as diet-unfriendly maple syrup, goes a long way in making your milkshake healthier. Besides a lowered sugar content, maple syrup is linked with plenty of other nutrients like antioxidants, calcium, and iron. 


  1.  Fat-Free Ice Cream



Simple substitute, and highly effective. For moments when you want to indulge with your milkshake, not including ice cream in the recipe is borderline unethical. A great way to do that without racking up the calories in your milkshake is to swap your regular ice cream with a fat-free or low-fat one. Popular ice cream brands in India like Amul and Haven, offer low-fat diet-friendly scoops. A win-win.

  1.  Add your favourite fat

Healthy fats help your body absorb the sugary calories present in other ingredients. Some suggestions from our end would be an avocado, a teaspoon of coconut oil or a tablespoon of peanut butter.


At the end, make sure you not only prepare a great milkshake/smoothie, but enjoy and devour it as well. Want some hands-on experience with the preparation, learn from our Kitchen kings and queens here.