
%E5%BC%B5%E6%85%A7%E7%89%A7's video: 0413- - Life Before Death-Jon Kabat Zinn-

@0413-死前之生- Life Before Death-Jon Kabat Zinn-中英字幕
在某種意義上來說,如果像偉大的瑜伽師巴布·狄倫所說「如果你不是忙著成長,就是忙著死亡」 (If you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying) 我們都忙著死亡。 (譯者案: 巴布·狄倫Bob Dylan是極具歷史影響力的美國搖滾、民謠藝術家,此句出自 1965 年專輯「Bringing It All Back Home」裡的「It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)」這首歌) 問題不是 「有死後之生嗎?」(life after death) 而是「有死前之生嗎?」( life before death)因為大部分的時間,我們可以靠著自動駕駛的飛機前進,處理所有的壓力及生活的挑戰,猛攻了二十、三十、四十、五十年的人生,相當沒有正念且沒有覺察,愈來愈擅長處於沒有覺察的狀態。 直到臨終時躺在床上,才恍然明白的說:「天啊!我簡直就像是陷入睡熟了一樣,整個人生就像是被催眠而惚恍,我懷念子女們、我懷念經歷過的愛、我懷念本來可以去發展的興趣,但我太過投入於工作或其它的事情。」 就像很多人所說的,爬上成功的梯子,或者到達人生的目的,到最後才發現,梯子靠錯了牆壁。 為什麼? 因為你被想法沖昏頭了,迷失了自己。沒有發展較大的覺察能力,讓自己能掌握所有的想法,更加清楚的看到這些想法。 所以梭羅(Thoreau) 在《湖濱散記》中,用很美的方式說到:「我步入叢林,因為我希望生活得有意義,我希望活得深刻,並汲取生命中所有的精華,然後從中學習,以免讓我在生命終結時,卻發現自己從來沒有活過。」 “I went to the woods ,because I wished to live deliberately to confront only the essential facts of life ,and see if I could not learn what they had to teach .and not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” 如果你讀了《湖濱散記》,會明白它其實是正念的敘事詩。 活在此時此刻、不加批判的過著強大的人生,不被自己的想法及看法所糾纏,而是用更大的擁抱去接納它。(英文字幕:大西啟介;中譯:牧行者) 英文引自 --http://www.psychalive.org/mindfulness... In a sense, if the great yogi Bob Dylan, said, “If you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying,” we’re all busy dying. The question is not, “Is there life after death?” but, “Is there life before death?” Because a lot of the time, we could zone along on auto pilot dealing with all the stress and, you know, challenges of life and blast through 20, 30, 40, 50 years of life relatively mindlessly practicing being unaware, getting better and better and better at being unaware. And then on our death bed, waking up perhaps saying, “Oh my God! That was almost all kind of asleep, hypnotic trance through the entirety of my life… I missed my children, I missed expressing love. I missed interests that I might have developed but I was too absorbed in my work or whatever.” One cliché is, you know, climbing the ladder of success or getting where you want to be in life, only at the end discovering that you put it against the wrong wall. Why? Because you were carried away or lost in thought, without actually bringing this other, larger capacity that we have to mobilize awareness, to just hold all those thoughts and then see them more clearly. So Thoreau expressed this in Walden in a very beautiful way. He said, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately to confront only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what they had to teach and not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” So, if you read Walden, you’ll see that it is actually a rhapsody to mindfulness. And to the power of living life in the present moment, non-judgmentally, not so caught up in our ideas and opinions, but in a larger embrace.



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