
%E5%BC%B5%E6%85%A7%E7%89%A7's video: 0403- -Liberation from Delusion- Jon Kabat Zinn-

@0403-擺脫困惑(遠離無明)-Liberation from Delusion- Jon Kabat Zinn-中英字幕
什麼是正念?它沒有牽涉到「做(作為)」doing,它是一種禪修的練習方式。佛教的禪修心法常常提到它,佛陀也教導這個教法,它是培養解脫最重要的方法。培養自在,培養從痛苦中得到解脫的自在,遠離無明、貪愛與仇恨(貪瞋痴)而得自在。 當我們沒有覺察力時,這些要素操縱著我們,我們變得習以為常highly conditioned,以致不知道自己正在被貪愛,憎恨與操控著。因為我們如此愚痴、迷惑(無明),以致無法覺察到這點。 從這個角度來說,正念是需要某種訓練的。因為大部分的時間,我們都在訓練反面的元素(貪瞋痴),所以我們需要練習培養正念。 如果我們練習培養「容易發怒」,或者生氣、悲傷、不滿等等,你愈練習,就愈厲害。過一陣子,你會讓別人覺得....他們也許不會告訴你這點,那就是:「在你身邊很無趣」。因為你不沈靜、不安寧。別人會感受這點,因為人家並沒有感覺遲鈍。 我們對於他人內在的情緒及想法,其實是能夠出乎想像的敏感感受到的,這也就是我為何說:「猶如你的人生需要仰賴正念的緣故」。 正念是「無所作為」(non-doing),但並不是說你不必做任何工作。但它的確需要不斷重覆的提醒自己:回到此時此刻。(中譯:牧行者) 英文引自 --http://www.psychalive.org/mindfulness... So that’s what mindfulness is and it doesn’t involve doing. It is a form of meditation practice and it’s often spoken of as the heart of Buddhist meditation. And the Buddha himself, you know, spoke about it as the sort of most fundamental path for the cultivation of liberation. For the cultivation of freedom. For the cultivation of freedom from pain and delusion and greed and hatred. So these are all elements of life that actually, when we’re unaware of them, drive us. And we can get highly conditioned so that we don’t even know that we’re being driven by greed, hatred and so forth, delusion, because we’re so deluded, it doesn’t actually penetrate. So mindfulness in that sense is, requires a certain kind of discipline because most of the time, we’re practicing its opposite. We have to practice cultivating mindfulness because, say if you’re practicing cultivating irritability or anger or sadness or disgrunteledness or whatever it is, the more you practice, the better you get at it. So after a while, you may be thought of by other people who probably won’t tell you this, that it’s not so much fun to be around you because you’re, you know, sort of not at peace and people feel it because people are not insensitive. We’re incredibly sensitive barometers to other people’s unspoken emotions and thoughts. So, that’s why I say it’s as if your life depended on it. It’s a non-doing. It’s not like you have to do any work. But it does require remembering to come back to the present moment over and over.



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