%ed%95%9c%eb%b0%98%ec%a7%80-%ec%98%88%ea%b3%a0%ed%8e%b8-%ec%95%84%ec%b9%b4%ec%9d%b4%eb%b8%8c's video: ENEMY CC
@에너미 ENEMY 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC)
한반지: http://oneringtrailers.com?m=100451
2014 개봉작들: http://goo.gl/tpZJuC
• 원제: Enemy
• 감독: Denis Villeneuve http://oneringtrailers.com?p=100162
• 캐나다 개봉일: 2014년 3월 14일
• 미국 개봉일: 2014년 3월 14일
• 한국 개봉일: 2014년 5월 29일
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You don't go to the movies, do you?
I don't know, I don't go out that much.
Is there a reason why you're asking me this?
You know, maybe, you had a recommendation.
Anthony Claire.
3650 Rathburn Road.
Good afternoon.
Um, I'm calling to speak to...
Where are you calling from?
I'm sorry, I think there's been a misunderstanding.
Who is this?
Okay. I'm gonna... I'll call back later.
Who was on the phone?
The same guy who called before.
The same guy.
Are you lying to me?
You are my only son.
I am your only mother.
He looks exactly like you.
What's happening?
I don't...
Really don't know what you're talking about.
I think you know.
Why'd you come looking for me?
I needed to know.
I have some questions for you.
Who are you?
What's wrong?
You're crazy.
I'm crazy?
Other post by @%ed%95%9c%eb%b0%98%ec%a7%80 %ec%98%88%ea%b3%a0%ed%8e%b8 %ec%95%84%ec%b9%b4%ec%9d%b4%eb%b8%8c
%ed%95%9c%eb%b0%98%ec%a7%80-%ec%98%88%ea%b3%a0%ed%8e%b8-%ec%95%84%ec%b9%b4%ec%9d%b4%eb%b8%8c's video: ENEMY CC