ALL CITY DJS DUVAL's video: Oct 20 2015 War Season
@Oct 20 2015 War Season
This was during the first year of having turntables back when a lot of DJs was scared to post anything it in the War Room back when we started The Battle Samurai Assassins.. I wish they would have added Marvin set in this video as well 💯😎
Dj Eigh posted this in the War Room
Here is the War Season battle between DJ OB1 (Allcitydjs Duval) and Dj Marvin that never happened. Marvin never answered the Call Out vid, and because DJ OB1 took the time to create his video it is paramount that URNOTADJ at least represent his work. Salute DJ OB1 for doing what a DJ does. FORWAAAAAAAAARD!!!
ALL CITY DJS DUVAL's video: Oct 20 2015 War Season