
Aculco-Media's video: Sanaci n Energ tica y Chakras

@Sanación Energética y Chakras
Change your life by balancing your Aura and Chakras with Energy Healing sessions. Energy healing, energy therapy or spiritual healing are different names used for the therapy that works with the energy flow in our subtle bodies as well as physical body to acquire balance and to allow our bodys innate healing mechanisms to awake. As an Energy Healer I channel healing energy into the person seeking help by Hands-off, which means with no need to touch the client. I use several techniques. One of the techniques is the popular Reiki that I started practising 15 years ago. Reiki healing is a spiritual practice that has been developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui and has since been adapted by various teachers of different traditions. It can be considered by some people as a kind of alternative, complementary medicine or energy medicine. When I practice Reiki I use automatically a technique commonly called Hands-on-healing which transfers universal energy through my palms. It is wonderful how after a reiki healing you can feel so different and shift your energy spiritually, mentally, emotionaly and physically. The Energy Healing Technique that I use I call it the Spiritual Healing Technique of " the Golden Universe and Fertile Mother Earth". The healing energies are coming from "spirit" or God via myself (Spiritual Healer), to provide healing energy to the healee. I combine healing with my intuition, clairvoyant and spychic skills. I give the choice to the person to decide what kind of energy healing they prefer. In Reiki there are the Japanese symbols that I use and it is very popular nowadays, but many people when they come for the second session they want to try my other technique and after that they repeat it. Me llamo Carmel Sastre y soy un Sanador Energético de. Chakras y Aura. en Londres, Dénia, Costa Blanca, Valencia, España y. a Distancia por Skype o Watsapp. Proporciono sesiones de Sanación Energética para equilibrar, limpiar y sanar tus Chakras y Aura. También ofrezco talleres sobre chakras, meditación guiada



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