
Adrian-Wyllie's video: Adrian Wyllie fights the US Commerce Department Census Bureau American Community Survey

@Adrian Wyllie fights the US Commerce Department, Census Bureau American Community Survey
By Adrian Wyllie -- 1787 Network http://1787network.com/2012/08/government-fill-out-this-random-survey-or-pay-5000-fine/5327 I am violating federal law. I do so willfully, and with full knowledge of the consequences of my actions. I arrived home today to find a large envelope in the mail from the U.S. Department of Commerce, which said YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW on the front. Inside, I found a letter telling me that my address had been selected at random to participate in The American Community Survey. It was not an official census.The cover letter reiterated that I was required by federal law to complete and return the 28 page survey, which included highly personal questions about me and every member of my family. I immediately called the Dept. of Commerce to ask them what law required me to provide this personal information to the federal government. Their response was USC Title 13, Sections 141 and 193. I advised them that I am not Constitutionally required to provide this information, and I respectfully refuse to comply. The woman I spoke with said that if I failed to complete and return the survey, the matter would then be turned over to the U.S. Department of Justice, and I would be fined up to $5000. I will not complete the survey. If am fined, I will refuse to pay. I'm curious to see if they will be willing to place me in federal prison for failing to pay a fine issued because I refused to complete a survey for which my address (not me or anyone in my family) was selected at random. Click here to see actual letter and survey I received: http://1787network.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/The-American-Community-Survey.pdf



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