
Another-Tokyo-TAMA's video: Tokyo TAMA Festival Short Ver

@Tokyo TAMA Festival Short Ver.
日本全土で開催される、大小さまざまなお祭りの数は、10万とも30万ともいわれています。「祭り」という言葉は「たてまつる」に由来し、尊い存在に奉仕することを指します。古くからあるお祭りの多くは、寺や神社にてその由緒ある日や、日本の年中行事に合わせとり行われます。「例大祭」は神道の神を祀る神社での祭りのことを指す、各神社の主となる行事。「節分会(せつぶんえ)」と称して2月3日の節分の日に行われる豆撒きはお寺・神社の両方で開かれ、厄除け・招福を願う多くの人で毎年賑わいます。 ●くらやみ祭り 毎年4月30日~5月6日に開催される、府中市・大國魂神社(=Ookunitama Shinto Shrine)の例大祭で関東三大奇祭の一つ。くらやみの名は昔、神輿渡御の際「神の姿を直視することは禁忌」として、深夜一帯の街明かりが消されたなかで行われたことに由来します。神輿渡御は5月5日に花火の合図で開始し、8基の神輿が大太鼓に導かれ、御旅所(おたびしょ=御霊を安置させる場所)(鎌倉街道と旧甲州街道との交叉点)までを渡御します。 ●高幡不動尊金剛寺 節分会 関東三大不動尊である日野市の高幡不動尊では毎年、2月3日に節分会を開催。約4万人もの人が集まる日野市を代表するイベントです。豆撒きの開催は午前・午後で全五回。数々の豪華なゲスト陣と年男が豆撒きに参加し、大人から子供まで多くの観光客で賑わいます。当日境内で販売の、縁起物が詰まった福袋もたいへん人気です。 ●しょうが祭り(二宮神社秋季例大祭) 毎年9月9日に行われる、あきる野市・二宮神社の秋季例大祭では、古くから地域で採れた葉根付きの生姜と里芋、「牛の舌」と呼ばれる餅の三品を、他の供物とともに神前に供えます。特に生姜は「二宮神社の生姜を食べれば、無病息災、厄除けになる」との噂が広がりました。やがて境内に多くの店が並び始め、お祭り見物と生姜を求め多くの人が集うようになりました。いつの間にか二宮神社の秋季例大祭は「しょうが祭り」の名で親しまれるようになりました。 ●八雲神社 神輿の川入れ 羽村市では毎年「はむら花と水のまつり」期間中の、4月第2土・日曜に「羽村春祭り(八雲神社春季例大祭)」が開催されます。メインとなる本大祭では、稲荷神社の神輿が多摩川の羽村の堰下を川渡りする神輿の川入れ(水中渡御)があり、その勇ましい姿を見に多くの観光客が訪れ、毎春賑わいを見せています。 ・Japanese festival and Tama Held throughout Japan, there is a variety of large and small festivals. It is said that there are between 100,000 to 300,000 festivals held in Japan. The word "Matsuri" (festival) originates from the word "Tatematsuru," which refers to being in the service of blessed existence. A majority of the festivals from antiquity are performed alongside historic days and annual Japanese events. "Reitaisai" refers to the festivals at shrines where the gods of Shinto are enshrined and are main events for every shrine. On 3rd February, the day of "Setsubun (the last day of winter in the traditional Japanese calendar)", the Setsubun festival is held. At both shrines and temples, many people praying for good fortune and for protection from evil come to take part of Mamemaki event. ・Kurayami festival The Kurayami-matsuri Festival is held every year from 30th April to 6th May. It is the Ookunitama Shinto Shrine's annual festival in Fuchu City and, in addition, one of the Kanto's three major strange festivals of Kanto area. Long ago, the name Kurayami originates from an event called "Mikoshi Togyo." Mikoshi Togyo was an event where in the midst of the night when the lights were extinguished, Mikoshi would be transferred as to "it is taboo to look straight upon the appearance of the gods." The Mikoshi Togyo is on 5th May, and is cued with fireworks. Eight Mikoshi will be led by large Taiko drums to a place called Otabisho, a place where the souls of the deceased rest. This location is at the intersection of the Kamakura-kaido Route and the former Koshu-kaido Highway. ・Takahata-Fudoson Kongoji Temple "Setsubun Festival" Every year on 3rd February, the Setsubun Festival is held at Hino City's Takahata-Fudoson Kongoji Temple, one of Kanto's Big Three Fudoson. It is an event representing Hino City and draws nearly 40,000 people. The Mamemaki is held a total of 5 times in the morning and evening. Numerous groups of splendid guests and men born in the current zodiac year will participate in the Mamemaki, and the festival will be crowded with sightseers ranging from children to adults. On the day, the shops on the grounds will be stocked with luck charms and the very popular Fukubukuro. ・Shoga festival The Autumn Festival at Ninomiya Shrine in Akiruno City is held every year on 9th September. At the festival since olden times, leaves collected from the region, deep-rooted ginger and taro, and mochi called "cow's tongue" were presented before the gods along with other offerings. Ginger especially was part of a rumor that was spread. It was said if you ate Ninomiya Shrine's ginger, then you would ward off evil and be in a perfect state of health. Before long, many stores began to start lining the grounds of the shrine and gradually many festival sightseers and people requesting ginger also gathered. At some point, Ninomiya Shrine's Autumn Festival eventually became associated with the name "Shoga-matsuri Festival. ・Yakumo shrine Every year in Hamura City, the "Hamura Spring Matsuri Festival (a regularly held festival at Yakumo Shrine)" will be held on the second Saturday and Sunday of April during the "Hamura Hana-to-Mizu Matsuri Festival". As the main part of the grand festival, there will be a Mikoshi from Inari Shrine which will cross the river at Sekishita in Hamura. A large turnout of tourists come visit to see this stirring event every spring.



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