
Apiii-Music-Channel's video: - Qi Feng Le The Wind Rises Angin Berhembus

@買辣椒也用券 - Qi Feng Le 起風了【The Wind Rises/ Angin Berhembus】
♡ Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT ♡ ♡ Hope you all enjoy! ♡ ♪ Website : https://www.lyrickorea.com ♪ Telegram : https://t.me/ApiiiMusicChannel ♪ Facebook : @ApiiiMusicChannel ♫ Singer : 買辣椒也用券 ♫ Title Song : Qi Feng Le 起風了 这一路上走走停停 顺着少年漂流的痕迹 迈出车站的前一刻 竟有些犹豫 不禁笑这近乡情怯 仍无可避免 而长野的天 依旧那么暖 风吹起了从前 ♥ 从前初识这世间 万般流连 看着天边似在眼前 也甘愿赴汤蹈火去走它一遍 如今走过这世间 万般流连 翻过岁月不同侧脸 措不及防闯入你的笑颜 ♥ ♥ 我曾难自拔于世界之大 也沉溺于其中梦话 不得真假 做挣扎 不惧笑话 我曾将青春翻涌成她 也曾指尖弹出盛夏 心之所动 且就随缘去吧 逆着光行走 任风吹雨打 短短的路走走停停 也有了几分的距离 不知抚摸的是故事 还是段心情 也许期待的不过是 与时间为敌 再次看到你 微凉晨光里 笑的很甜蜜 Back to ♥ Back to ♥ ♥ 晚风吹起你鬓间的白发 抚平回忆留下的疤 你的眼中 明暗交杂 一笑生花 暮色遮住你蹒跚的步伐 走进床头藏起的画 画中的你 低着头说话 我仍感叹于世界之大 也沉醉于儿时情话 不剩真假 不做挣扎 无谓笑话 我终将青春还给了她 连同指尖弹出的盛夏 心之所动 就随风去了 以爱之名 你还愿意吗 ★ Artwork by? If anyone knows who took this picture or recorded this video please link me to their page so I can credit them properly. ★ IMPORTANT I do not own the songs or pictures. I just made a fan remix. The credits go to their respectful owners and if you're a producer/record label and would like any uploads to be removed, renamed, or otherwise changed, please send me a message and I will do that immediately. ★ DISCLAIMER We do not own this audio. All rights belong to its rightful owner. This clip is copyright. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Music Channel



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