Beyond Hatke's video: Why did these STARS do these CRAP FILMS II Filmy Bacha II Beyond Hatke II
@Why did these STARS do these CRAP FILMS ? II Filmy Bacha II Beyond Hatke II
Why did these STARS do these CRAP FILMS ? II Filmy Bacha II Beyond Hatke II
Some of the biggest and best Bollywood stars often do the worst and most unexpected duds ever. Is it the greed to make money or just plan bad judgement ? Some choices made by our favourite stars really can't help us but wonder, what were they freaking smoking??!!
Filmy Bacha aka Denver Fenandes lists down his top 'biggest mistakes' from A list Bollywood stars in recent years....
There are many more in the bandwagon and we're sure you can help us make this list more exciting. COMMENT BELLOW and SHARE this VIDEO.
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Beyond Hatke's video: Why did these STARS do these CRAP FILMS II Filmy Bacha II Beyond Hatke II