ByronRodgers's video: RUN The Blade STOP The Bleed
@RUN The Blade/STOP The Bleed 🔪🩸
Dan AKA Griz of grizzly medical and Big Tony of Artifex firearms Training put on a fantastic training event a few Saturdays ago called “Run the Blade. Stop the Bleed”.
Artifex is a local training cadre I run with on a regular basis in order to continue improving my protection skill sets and hard skills. If you don’t have a local training cadre that you continue learning with, your skills will not be dependable.
Dan who runs grizzly Medical is an outstanding instructor with a deeper knowledge of the medical side of things than what you usually get in your tea triple CCCP curriculums or at least we were definitely allowed to go deeper with this training.
What I really loved about this training was simply that it was very real world because you had to train both sides of the coin. Oscillating between saving lives through violence and medicine wrapped up into one occasion is the real world. To be honest I haven’t trained like this since I was in the Marine Corps. Combat is violence and violence requires medicine.
MISCONCEPTIONS: you don’t have to become a ninja to learn how to implement a blade effectively. You don’t have to become a doctor to learn basic medicine that will save your life and the life of those around you with regards to common bleeds… Catch up with Dan from grizzly medical for Big Toney from artifacts and see where you can train with them! At a minimum find a way to improve your skills, this journey is never over!
If you guys are looking for a good course to learn basic blade tactics and hand-to-hand combat tactics to protect yourself and your family then join us for Protector Symposium 3.0 Hybrid or link in my BIO!
Looking forward to meeting y’all!
Tickets are going 🔥🎫💨
Get yours through the link in BIO or
Protector by nature and by trade
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PROTECTOR by nature and by trade
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ByronRodgers's video: RUN The Blade STOP The Bleed