ByronRodgers's video: Executive Protection Training Day Field Note 65
@Executive Protection Training Day Field Note #65
⚜️One of the things that I learned from the Marine Corps is to always improve your positions.
You have to realize that you don’t make money for your client. Your principal more than likely sees your value because you work with them in close proximity but your client (the corporate entity that’s paying you) is probably wondering why they’re paying you so much.
It is almost an inevitability that the bean counters and accountants will question you and your team's value at some point in an attempt to cut back on expenses… This very often happens right around Christmas time at the end of a fiscal year.
A tactic that is used in our industry to buy those at the top of the game is to track key performance indicators “KPI‘s.” That way you have something on paper that proves that your team is Improving the quality of your client’s life, keeping them more productive and say. I did not invent this but it’s something you should implement to help you get through the winters of the game.
Train with me and make it your best professional year!
Protector by nature and by trade
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PROTECTOR by nature and by trade
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ByronRodgers's video: Executive Protection Training Day Field Note 65