ByronRodgers's video: Setting Up Team Specialities Social Dynamics Annual EP Forum 2022
@Setting Up Team Specialities/Social Dynamics⚜️Annual EP Forum 2022
👊🏽BOOM! In this session at The Executive Protection Forum, Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio and Byron Rodgers have a conversation about setting up team specialties and competencies for executive protection regarding hard skills.
In this conversation, Byron and Pablo discuss how to make sure your team is equipped with the proper specialties with regard to different tactics. Everyone in your team should be competent with a baseline of skills when it comes to executive protection. All of your soft skills regarding social dynamics and logistics as well as your hard skill such as medical, driving, and utilizing the tool of violence to protect your client.
Furthermore, Byron talks about the real benefits and what he is excited about when it comes to his podcast @executive_protection_lifestyle. He explains that the beauty of the podcast is being able to create a free product for the industry, that empowers all that are interested to learn from experienced professionals on many levels what we need to know in order to get better as an industry.
His goal has always been to crystalize the experiences of professionals in the field and make contributions to the industry that make it possible for us to bring honor back to what we do as private security professionals.
The podcast is now the largest free video library of executive protection content in the world and can be found on his YouTube channel.
Join us this year to network, be part of the community, and most importantly be part of the executive protection conversation yourself as we always aim to get everyone in the crowd into the exchange.
Space is limited so get your tickets now! 🎫 @ep_forum
WHEN: Dec 07, 2022
WHERE: Galaxy Theatres Boulevard Mall - Las Vegas, NV
Forum Speakers
⭕ Elijah Shaw | @sunsear
⭕ Christian West | @danishvikingcw
⭕ Byron Rodgers | @byron_rodgers
⭕ Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio | @pmonasterio
⭕ Joe LaSorsa | @jlasorsa3
⭕ Caleb Gilbert | @covpro1
⭕ Jared Van Driessche | @j.nasty83
⭕ Jacquie Davis | @optimalrisk
Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers | @byron_rodgers
For more visit
IG Go follow @executive_protection_lifestyle @bravo_research_group @byron_rodgers
ByronRodgers's video: Setting Up Team Specialities Social Dynamics Annual EP Forum 2022