ByronRodgers's video: Joseph Lasorsa Executive Protection Masters Class Preview
@Joseph Lasorsa⚜️Executive Protection Masters Class (Preview)
⚜️Joseph LaSorsa, has been a well-known name in the industry for many years. Him and his father have created security company that has been like a household name in our industry . With a phenomenal training school, a background in the Marine Corps and growing up in our industry Joe has been teaching good tactics and conducting solid operations for years now. In this masters class he shows you how to properly set your vehicle up for security operations.
Check out his Tactical Vehicle Setup in his module inside the EP Master Class, and there's a lot to learn from him on this subject.
It’s an absolute honor to have him as one of the elite masters at the League of Executive Protection Specialists. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to learn from him, join the program today.
Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers
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ByronRodgers's video: Joseph Lasorsa Executive Protection Masters Class Preview