ByronRodgers's video: Executive Protection Training Day Testimonials
@Executive Protection Training Day Testimonials
This is a clip from one of our weekly coaching sessions. In these sessions, I do my best to answer questions from the patrons of my executive protection training a success package. In this course not only do our students get to leverage the relationships they have in the course in order to find work but I also stay with them over their careers to ensure success to the best of my ability.
You may not agree with all my advice in this video however we are getting some amazing results and helping professionals acquire success on a very regular basis.
In my opinion, this is one of the most holistic and effective training/joint venture opportunities for protection professionals to get involved in in the protection industry today. The main reason is that you pay your tuition once in this course will continue giving you high-value interactions with Protection professionals who have success within the group and also training sessions with myself for the rest of your career.
Join us and let’s make this year the best year of your private security career.
Protector by nature and by trade
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PROTECTOR by nature and by trade
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ByronRodgers's video: Executive Protection Training Day Testimonials