Charles Cleyn's video: 100 Logic Pro Tips Tricks and Shortcuts
@100 Logic Pro Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts
Here are 100 logic pro tips, tricks, and shortcuts. Learn these and I promise you'll become more productive in logic. It's a long video so save it and come back to learn when you're ready.
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- 0:00 introduction
- 1:48 tools. left click tool and command tool
- 4:03 adding a third click tool
- 5:45 toolbar workflow
- 7:45 quick zoom
- 8:58 fix slow computer problems
- 13:41 chase midi notes
- 15:22 nudging notes
- 17:54 duplicating regions
- 19:06 inserting silence
- 19:58 locking regions
- 20:45 selecting all tracks
- 22:20 drag and drop down options
- 24:36 flex pitch for gain automation
- 27:04 slip editing
- 29:06 flex time quick quantization
- 30:20 removing silence from audio
- 32:02 region snap feature
- 34:06 triggered midi editing
Piano Roll / Midi Editor / Region Editor
- 35:56 power of the the velocity tool
- 37:56 quantizing midi quickly
- 41:27 making midi notes same length
- 42:34 power of the paintbrush tool
- 44:54 force legato to make notes run into each other
- 47:38 how to make midi feel more human
- 50:22 midi in and midi out features
- 52:35 gain edits, fades, audio reverses
Production Tips
- 56:52 track protection
- 58:20 groove tracks
- 1:00:29 stretching audio
- 1:02:43 transposing audio
- 1:05:22 power of the alchemy synth
- 1:06:59 importing previous logic content/files
- 1:09:50 copies of regions super fast
- 1:12:50 copies of plugins fast
- 1:14:17 saving drum patterns
- 1:18:19 reverse reverbs
- 1:21:55 reverb pads for atmosphere
- 1:26:49 slow down and speed up fades
- 1:28:15 saving your own loops
- 1:29:17 latch automation
- 1:32:33 controller quick access automation
- 1:33:23 quick dot automation
- 1:34:24 plugin automation parameters
- 1:36:19 power of side-chaining
- 1:42:57 audio files to midi files
Workflow Productivity
Bonus tip - 1:44:27 simple semi-colon
$46 - 1:45:03 managing session zooming
- 1:46:44 duplicating tracks super fast
- 1:48:44 period and comma keys
- 1:49:33 copying channel strip settings fast
- 1:51:25 cycle range on regions
- 1:52:08 shift for playhead movements
- 1:53:05 inverted cycle range for song structure
- 1:53:58 save presets within plugins
- 1:56:18 save channel strip settings
- 1:58:55 performance patches vs channel strips
- 2:04:15 closing multiple plugins fast
- 2:04:54 bouncing tracks in place to commit
- 2:07:44 quick option to use zoom tool
- 2:09:17 purple paper click link
- 2:12:36 shift key to find specific outputs
Organization and Mixing
- 2:13:49 markers and colours
- 2:16:18 adding icons to tracks
- 2:17:35 folders, summing stacks, groups
- 2:25:10 organizing third party plugins
- 2:28:01 the logic file structure on Mac
- 2:30:24 stereo, mono, mid/side option with plugins
- 2:33:47 bus sends on tracks at the same time
- 2:35:05 shift click on the mixer window
- 2:36:18 creating aux tracks for automations
- 2:37:41 free analog eq’s
- 2:39:56 hiding tracks for mental headspace
- 2:41:24 muting specific regions
- 2:42:30 splitting drummer midi files
Project Settings
- 2:48:40 changing default open project
- 2:50:18 fixing the logic can’t locate file notification
- 2:51:27 expanding your most recent files section
- 2:52:00 increasing the amount auto backups
- 2:53:02 the power of project alternatives
- 2:54:54 changing the default name of your project
- 2:55:18 project templates to save time
- 2:57:50 saving logic library elsewhere
- 2:59:16 bookmarks in the logic file browser
- 2:59:41 overwrite any shortcut in logic
- 3:01:59 changing the default notification answers
- 3:02:45 record pre roll and auto colourize takes
- 3:05:40 change default take folders in logic
- 3:09:16 customizing control bar and display
- 3:12:25 managing buffer size in logic
- 3:14:15 undo settings history for mess ups
- 3:15:40 division markers in the display window
- 3:16:49 turn the click on and off
- 3:17:36 power of live loops to generate new song ideas
- 3:23:44 changing the sound of metronome
- 3:26:25 setting the gain on your interface
- 3:29:02 recording midi with quantization
- 3:30:58 sliding s and slide m options
- 3:32:20 blowing up the wav signal
100 - 3:33:53 useful note pad feature
bonus tip 101: capture recording feature
bonus tip 102: test your mix with a master chain
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Charles Cleyn's video: 100 Logic Pro Tips Tricks and Shortcuts