@The freequincy and I are gearing up for our 4 hour Doll magic class. This class is not for the basic muggle people of the world. It’s exclusively performed by two high magik magicians , private and pricey. Only 10 members will be welcomed to sit live and ask questions while we demonstrate negative and positive Doll magic from masculine and feminine perspectives.
Reasons to know this ancient sorcery art?
.Heal yourself
.Better treatment from others
.Boost confidence
.dealing with grief
.focal point for sprit energy
.create and manifest from child imagination
.create admiration for you and abundance
.revenge , and more.
You will be sworn to secrecy in order to participate. If you feel this is something you are interested in and can handle , I want you to contact me ASAP due to limited availability. Only 10 members will sit live and learn with us. Only contact me if you have the extra funds which the price will be revealed privately.
Do not waste my time nor energy on you if you know you shop for bargains and never purchase names brands.
Here’s all my links
Email: Charmingbtch@gmail.com
Website: Enchantingalchemistry.com
Learning website https://m.subscribeplace.com/baddwitch
Gift list 🎁 https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1B88R1DBJUXZV?ref_=wl_share
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10007046630340
Instagram @enchantingalchemistry @charminggoddess1
YouTube/ charming Goddess
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Wise and Witchy's video: Whats that empty feeling