
Codesmith's video: JavaScript The Hard Parts: Object Oriented Programming

@JavaScript The Hard Parts: Object Oriented Programming
Go under the hood of Object Oriented Programming and the prototype chain with Will, Codesmith CEO and Co-founder. You will develop a better understanding in: - 4 approaches to object-oriented programming in JavaScript - Prototype, __proto__ and the prototype chain - Factories, constructors, and classes - ES5 and ES6 approaches To test your understanding of these concepts and find more videos, challenges, and solutions you can make a free account on CSX - https://csx.codesmith.io/ SUBSCRIBE for more! 👉https://tinyurl.com/codesmithsub 👈 Stay connected to our community! Codesmith: https://www.codesmith.io/ Learn JavaScript for Free: https://csx.codesmith.io/ Free Events & Workshops: https://www.codesmith.io/coding-events Follow us to stay updated! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codesmithhq Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/codesmithio/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/codesmith_ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/codesmith-llc/



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