Danfoss's video: Episode 5 A competitive decarbonized future for our industries
@Episode 5 – A competitive, decarbonized future for our industries
The green restart series is an initiative from Danfoss showcasing how we can restart our economy in a sustainable way, making it a green restart.
Episode 5: The Green Restart Series – As we start upon the path to economic recovery following the health crisis, how can we use this moment to prepare for a stable and sustainable future? By rethinking and transforming the industrial sector, we can make it more competitive while also reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. We can turn our energy intensive industries into energy providers through smart systems that recover energy for reuse at plant level as well as sharing excess with local communities via sector integration. By creating this kind of energy flexibility, we can maximize the use of renewable resources, while minimizing emissions. This is where the transformation starts.
Join us and together we are engineering tomorrow.
See more on https://www.danfoss.com/en/about-danfoss/insights-for-tomorrow/the-green-restart-series/
Danfoss's video: Episode 5 A competitive decarbonized future for our industries