
Dechead's video: VOD: Everyone who watches gets a Shiny they want Playing through Firered S M

@VOD: Everyone who watches, gets a Shiny they want. Playing through Firered~S/M
(Please read the description to know how to enter the giveaway! And please also read before you ask questions.) Todays Giveaway Pokemon is literally almost everything??? xD !dbucks is a command currently in beta. My shop is now open! type !shop in chat to get a link towards the shop to spend your dbucks. Shop still in a beta phase please keep in mind. You will receive 1000 dbucks per $1 you donate! YOU DO NOT NEED DBUCKS TO ENTER MY GIVEAWAYS! EVERYTHING IS FREE IN THE GIVEAWAY, NO CATCH WHAT SO EVER! Hi, and Welcome to my stream! Discord Channel!: https://discord.gg/N8t968X Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealDechead Donation Link: https://youtube.streamlabs.com/dechead HOW TO GET SHINIES & POKES ETC!: First Subscribe & Like! Then if you want a Shiny, Either put up a Magnemite that is level 1-10 named Dechead, or a Male Gastly Named Dechead that is lvl 1-10 on GTS asking for a Shiny in the list below. Putting your IGN and your deposit in chat does not help you get your shiny what so ever so please don't even bother. My Giveaways are handled by bots & they literally only have a start and stop control, there is no way for me what so ever to make it trade any individual specifically. POKEMON LIST: All LVL 1 UNLESS SAID OTHERWISE! Absol Aron Audino Axew Bagon Beldum Bidoof Blitzle Buizel Bulbasaur Carbink Carvanha Caterpie Chansey Charmander Chespin Chikorita Chimchar Clauncher Cottonee Cranidos Croagunk Cubchoo Cubone Cutiefly Cyndaquil Delibird Dewpider Dhelmise Dratini Ducklett Dunsparce Eevee Ekans Elektrike Espurr Male Exeggcute Feebas Fennekin Fletchling Floette Lvl 50 Formantis Froakie Gastly Geodude Alolan Gible Gligar Golett Goomy Growlithe Grubbin Gulpin Hawlucha Heracross Honedge Houndour Inkay Jangmo-o Kangaskhan Female Karrablast Klefki Komala Lapras Larvitar Lickitung Lileep Litten Lotad Magby Magikarp Magnemite Mareanie Mawile Meditite Meowth Alolan Mienfoo Mimikyu Minior Minun Mudbray Mudkip Munchlax Murkrow Nincada Noibat Onix Oranguru Oricorio Oshawott Pancham Pawniard Phantump Pichu Pidove Pikipek Piplup Plusle Poliwag Ponyta Poochyena Popplio Psyduck Purrlion Ralts Female Riolu Rockruff Roggenrola Rowlet Salandit Female Sandile Sandshrew Alolan Sandygast Scraggy Scyther Sentret Shinx Shuckle Skiddo Skitty Skrelp Slowpoke Slugma Smeargle Sneasel Snivy Snorunt Snover Solosis Squirtle Starly Staryu Stufful Swirlix Tepig Tododile Torchic Trapinch Treecko Turtwig Tyrogue Tyrunt Vulpix Alolan Weedle Wimpod Wingull Wishiwashi Wooper Wynaut Yamask Zangoose Zorua Zubat List Created By NiftyBlitz List Sorted By Justthebomb Blue DONATORS & BATTLE REQUESTS ADD THIS: MY NEW FC(Main Account): 3368 - 6351 - 6771 Don't Forget to SUBSCRIBE! Credits to anyone's music i use, I do not own any of the music i play in my streams.


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This video was published on 2017-08-14 18:08:33 GMT by @Dechead on Youtube. Dechead has total 10.2K subscribers on Youtube and has a total of 137 video.This video has received 123 Likes which are higher than the average likes that Dechead gets . @Dechead receives an average views of 1K per video on Youtube.This video has received 12 comments which are higher than the average comments that Dechead gets . Overall the views for this video was lower than the average for the profile.

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