
Dotsie-Bausch's video: Reflections on Compassion - Interview with Christie Schilling - Animal Rescuer Crusader Vegan

@Reflections on Compassion - Interview with Christie Schilling - Animal Rescuer, Crusader & Vegan
Our 12-part intimate interview series titled, "Reflections on Compassion", highlights incredible personal stories of triumph and immense beauty over some of the cruelest practices in our modern agricultural food system. This video series will educate, inspire and motivate you to take a deeper look into what your food has to endure to make it to your plate and how that process may be killing you slowly. Christie Schilling - Animal Rescuer, Crusader & Vegan debunks the myth that some animals are for us to love in our homes, some are for us to eat and others are for us to wear. Christie makes critical connections between species and teaches us that ALL animals whether, dog, pig, cat or cow; have the same feelings, desires and experiences of joy, pain, pleasure, happiness and love. Join Christie and others today! Become a Compassion Champ, be part of making a difference for animals, our planet, humankind. https://www.compassion-champs.org/take-your-first-steps/ Facebook: https://business.facebook.com/CompassionChamps Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/compassionchamps Twitter: https://twitter.com/compashchamps Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/compassionchamps



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