

The Johnny Gosch Foundation: http://johnnygosch.com/ As most of you already know, Noreen Gosch is the mother of Johnny Gosch. When Johnny Gosch was 12 years of age and working as a paperboy for the Des Moines Register newspaper, he was kidnapped not far from his home. It was a quiet Sunday morning, around 6A.M. on September 5, 1982, when Johnny had left his home on foot to collect his assigned stack of newspapers to deliver around his quintessential "Leave It To Beaver" neighborhood. Just as he was about to pick up his bundle of newspapers, he was forcefully nabbed off the street, shoved into the back seat of a strange car, drugged, and permanently removed from his family. Johnny's childhood would be destroyed while his family was shattered and consigned to a life of endless grieving. Years later, on February 5, 1999, in a civil action in a U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci painstakingly recounted the sordid, heart breaking details of Johnny Gosch's abduction and forced participation in an elite government sponsored pedophile sex slave ring, that dehumanized and controlled its young, hapless victims using techniques such as drugs, murder, satanic rituals, sexual abuse, and torture, resulting in MPD (multiple-personality disorder). The children were systemically programmed and "zombified" as part of the CIA's ongoing, under-the-radar MK-ULTRA (MK = mind control) mind control program. Bonacci's attorney was John DeCamp, who later authored a revealing and ground breaking book called The Franklin Cover-Up, which is a no-holds-barred expose of the pedophile ring that had abducted both Johnny Gosch and Paul Bonacci. Paul Bonacci knew what he was talking about regarding Johnny Gosch's kidnapping in 1982. Why? Because he was there! Bonacci's role within the pedophile ring was simultaneously that of a victim and a perpetrator. Actually, the then 16 year old Paul Bonacci was the person who had lured and then forced Johnny into the back of the car that screeched away on that fateful September morning. It was Bonacci who had helped drug Johnny, and then proceeded to initiate him into the group, his new "family", by sexually assaulting him. Bonacci himself had been abducted and pressed into service as an MK-ULTRA sex slave by Lawrence E. King, a high ranking Republican operative who managed Franklin Savings and Loan in Omaha, Nebraska as a front for an internationally organized pedophile ring. He ran this pedophile ring for the benefit of government, military, and big business elites, whose patronage included political blackmail, snuff films, kiddy pornography, prostitution, illegal arms and drug running, extortion, and money laundering. This was the same Larry King who allegedly ran the infamous midnight "call-boy" tours of the White House, along with Craig Spence. Amazingly, the White House pedophile story was headlined by the Washington Times, on June 29, 1989. CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE http://youtu.be/RlTnRQUwsBk This brings us full circle back to Noreen Gosch. She has been an indefatigable seeker of the truth in all things related to her son's kidnapping. It was Noreen's personally funded private detectives, not the police or any branch of law enforcement, who finally uncovered the culprits who were behind Johnny's kidnapping, including why they had chosen him, for what purpose, and what they had done to him as a result. Noreen has been instrumental in exposing organized pedophilia, its infrastructure and some of the personalities behind it, as well as helping to expose the pedophile network's interlocking relationships with elite hierarchies of political, military, and corporate power. For the past 23 years, Noreen has dedicated her life to educating parents, politicians, police, teachers, children and anyone who would listen to the sordid facts behind child abductions in America, including the hidden menace of organized pedophile rings. Noreen's continued goal is to bring out the truth on Johnny's kidnapping and is prepared to do what ever is necessary. Noreen wrote "Why Johnny Can't Come Home" which has been available in bookstores since November 2000. It is the story of her eighteen-year journey to solve Johnny's case. WHY JOHNNY CAN'T COME HOME Book Content: SECTION 1 1 THEY HAVE NO CRIME… I HAVE NO SON! 2 SURVIVAL - A WAY OF LIFE FOR NOREEN GOSCH 3 CIA ON THE SCENE 1983 4 JOHN GOSCH - JOHNNY’S FATHER 5 JOHNNY DOESN’T LIVE HERE ANYMORE 6 BILL 7 ON THE AUCTION BLOCK SECTION 2 8 THE FRANKLIN COVER-UP 9 PAUL BONACCI - WHAT HE ENDURED 10 THE BONACCI DOCUMENTS 11 A MAN CALLED RUSTY 12 SENATOR JOHN DECAMP - RELUCTANT HERO 13 TED GUNDERSON - MAN WITH A MISSION 14 THE FINDERS 15 FBI FRIEND OR FOE 16 N.A.M.B.L.A. 17 SATANISM IN AMERICA 18 MINDCONTROL, MONARCH AND MKULTRA SECTION 3 19 NATIONAL SECURITY ACT 20 CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE 21 MEDIA CORRUPTION 22 LOCKED UP AT ABC 23 WHY JOHNNY CAN’T COME HOME 24 EPILOG - GRIEF BY LOSING A CHILD Order Book: http://johnnygosch.com/book.htm



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