
GIBRANMAICA-OFFICIAL-PODCAST's video: WINTER STROM Ted Cruz has repeatedly slammed politicians for vacationing during crisis Podcast

@WINTER STROM! Ted Cruz has repeatedly slammed politicians for vacationing during crisis, Podcast
Ted Cruz, who is facing backlash for traveling to Mexico as a winter disaster ravages his home state, has repeatedly criticized politicians who vacationed or took part in leisure activities during times of crisis, a CNN KFile review finds. This past December, Cruz attacked Austin Mayor Steve Adler for going to Cabo, Mexico, during the coronavirus pandemic. "Hypocrites. Complete and utter hypocrites. And don't forget @MayorAdler who took a private jet with eight people to Cabo and WHILE IN CABO recorded a video telling Austinites to 'stay home if you can...this is not the time to relax,'" tweeted Cruz in December. Podcast https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/18/politics/vacationing-during-crisis-ted-cruz/index.html ______________________ Thanks for support us! ______________________ Copyright Disclaimer - Under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 - Every Video, Audio, Footage, Image etc in this content under terms of Fair Use, Permitted by Copyright Statute. - Every Content in this Channel for purpose such as Education, News Report, interpretation etc.