Gaurav Tyagi's video: neetpg2023 dnb ms md branch wise seat details and discussion in huge impact in dnb diploma cutoff
@neetpg2023 dnb/ms/md branch wise seat details and discussion in huge impact in dnb / diploma cutoff
Hi to all neetpg aspirants those who are gonna to take part in neetpg2023 examination if you are looking for regular updates regarding neetpg2023 paid guidance please fill the form and get register with careerxpert that you will get so many information....
Note : we will offer some discount on our counselling packages before result only....
counselling 2023
for details
CareerNEET PG 2023 MS/MD/DNB
Hi to everyone we are going to create one telegram group where we will share all relavent document related to neet pg 2023 counselling eg: fees , bond , college wise information and complete counselling procedure and details of new session so if you wana add please send the link in different groups also...
telegram group
Instagram link
If any doubt then whatsapp me on 9675200801
From the last 14 years I am successfully providing Medical Admission / counselling Guidance to students across India via social media/YouTube/new channels /blogs and other platforms. I carried out Medical Education Counselling process professionally ,which received excellent review/ feedback ... you can also visit our website for candidates review
For NEET PG2023 Admission: Those Candidates who are interested in taking personal counselling from gaurav tyagi ( career xpert)
*There is a nominal amount as one time charge for taking personal counselling for MS/MD/DNB/NBE DIPLOMA. Till date you will not get the admission.
We provide personal counselling provided exclusively- for individual basis ...
( we are not provided any common information to all )
1 - Guidance & help in preparation of documents for counselling and admission process
2 - Thorough guidance from the date of pre-application process till the date of admission .
3 - Help them to choose the suitable branch for aspirants according to their willingness
4 - Help in filling up preference forms.. All India counselling, Karnataka,UP,maharashtra, madhya pradesh, westbengal, uttrakhand, Andhra pradesh , telangana , buhar and othervState, DNB, nbe diploma & CPS courses
5 - Guidance in selecting colleges & branches according to current scenario .
6 - Candidates can meet me personally for personal counselling (unlimited)
7- Queries and doubts are solved on mobile through calls, whatsapp, video call & messages
8 - List of top colleges & colleges & branches wise cutoff (All India, MH State , DNB , karnataka, UTTARPRADESH& others States ) will be provided.
9. We provide choice filling preferences for all rounds ....
10. We always assist you to choose better colleges according to the specific branch ....
11. We also provide assistance in stary vacancy rounds also ...
12. We also arrange some calls to clarify your doubts regarding your branch with specific experienced doctors ...
13. We assist you to arrange all documents for counseling/ admission process ....
14. We always insist aspirants to take admission by only counselling process not go for any other way....
15. We assist complete counselling procedure for all india basis / state basis for ms/md/dnb/nbe diploma /cps ...
16. We also explains complete prospects for each and every branch about their future aspects
& the most important is that continuous updates will be provided to explain you the whole ADMISSION / COUNSELLING process through my audios/videos which I regularly post individually .. also we provide free guidance via YouTube channel ...
Gaurav Tyagi's video: neetpg2023 dnb ms md branch wise seat details and discussion in huge impact in dnb diploma cutoff