History Gone Wilder | Have History Will Travel's video: Jefferson Davis: Camels and Slavery
@Jefferson Davis: Camels and Slavery
A hideous creature stalked the American Southwest and when a rancher killed the animal, it was discovered to be a camel. How a camel got to Arizona is the result of domestic legislation by President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis and his attempt to expand slavery into New Mexico and Arizona.
For a more in depth read on this history, please check out the article in the Journal of the Civil War Era below
Kevin, Waite. Jefferson Davis and Proslavery Visions of Empire in the Far West. Journal of the Civil War Era, Vol. 6, No. 4, The Civil War West: A Special Issue (DECEMBER 2016), pp. 536-565
History Gone Wilder | Have History Will Travel's video: Jefferson Davis: Camels and Slavery