Hottomela's video: INDIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM JANA GANA MANA on GeoShred Musician: Megh Banerjee
@INDIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM , JANA GANA MANA on GeoShred | Musician: Megh Banerjee
INDIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM , _GANA_MANA_on_GeoShred_Musical_Instrument. Musician :: _Banerjee ,
Edit & Effects :: _Roy_Pau , Videography :: _Biswas ,
Presented by :: .....
is an expressive software based musical instrumental application with a multi-touch performance surface, coupled with an advanced physical model of a guitar. A fusion of Wizdom Music’s Geo Synthesizer user interface (Jordan Rudess), and moForte’s powerful, modeled guitar and effects chain based on the next generation Physical Modeling research of Dr. Julius O. Smith III of Stanford/CCRMA.
With GeoShred’s physical modeling synthesis, realistic guitar sounds can be achieved that bend, stretch and manipulate the sound into endless possibilities.The physics of a guitar model, including solid or hollow body, nylon or metal strings, pick position, harmonics and more,Can be You can explored, edited and controled on GeoShred .
GeoShred is NOT just another app. GeoShred is a powerful, musical instrument that offers a brilliant multiple instrumental performance experience....
Hottomela's video: INDIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM JANA GANA MANA on GeoShred Musician: Megh Banerjee