
Illuminati-Chanel's video: Illuminati EXPOSED: A Current Vision of the New World Order - News Truth is Revealed UPDATED

@Illuminati EXPOSED: A Current Vision of the New World Order - News Truth is Revealed UPDATED
Illuminati EXPOSED: A Current Vision of the New World Order - News Truth is Revealed UPDATED Entering the Age of Aquarius is not a new idea. A long period of an age is knowledge from ancient times as well as the art of astrology. Our solar system cycles around our galaxy every 25,930 years. Each of the 12 astrological constellations falls into alignment with the earth for about 2,160 years, according to the knowledge that is presented about the subject. The New Age dogma teaches that the age will change from Pisces into Aquarius on 12/21/2012. This can explain the illuminati propaganda that started back in 2010 through Hollywood concerning the “end of the world”. The Aquarian influence may have started with the civil unrest and change that happened during the 1960s. I conjecture that preparation started back in the 1950s after Israel was granted their nation. The movie and music industry slowly evolved into an occult control music industry, and an illuminati/Zionist control Hollywood. The media changed from wholesome movies and music of the 1940s and prior, into the continual teaching of fear, hate, anger, bizarre sexual attitudes, and other negative influences that affect the attitudes and behaviors of the current world. Major changes occurred by analyzing 2000 year blocks of history. An occurrence around 2000 BCE (Beginning The Age of Aries) reduced the population by an estimated three fifths of Sumer, the first city state civilization, just after the family of Abraham, the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam departed Sumer. For 2000 years the powers of the light prepared for the Anointed Master Jesus to be born through the line of Abraham, even though the Israelites intermarried the Canaanites and failed as a nation of light.



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