
Illuminati-Chanel's video: illuminati RELATED: Illuminati Ambigrams Articles The Crusades UPDATED

@illuminati RELATED: Illuminati Ambigrams Articles The Crusades UPDATED
illuminati RELATED: Illuminati Ambigrams Articles The Crusades UPDATED The story of what Robert Langdon, the symbologist in Angels and Demons, calls “the Catholic purges” develops primarily in the period from AD1000 to AD1300 which is often called the High Middle Ages. During this time the integration of all of western civilization was in the hands of the Roman Catholic faith. Because the church and the various political kingdoms were so enmeshed, a natural consequence was the union of political power with spiritual and ecclesiastical power. The inevitable result was the use of force to address those who disagreed with the church, and with those who rejected the claims of the Christian faith. This use of force expressed itself in two different ways. Internally, Christendom—the name for this integration of power in the hands of Roman Catholicism—pursued and persecuted those opposed to Roman Catholic teaching through the Inquisition. The Inquisition resisted and persecuted those deemed heretical by the Roman Catholic authorities. The Cathari, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Jews and various fore-runners of the Protestant Reformation are examples of groups that faced the fury of the Inquisitors. Externally, Christendom launched the Crusades—Catholic-led holy wars—to drive the “Infidels”, namely the Muslims, from the Holy Land. The aftermath of the ultimately unsuccessful crusades also involved further military conflict to meet the challenge of the remnants of the crusading Catholic armies. This is especially seen in the case of the Knights Templar. After their defeat in the Holy Land, the Knights Templar had formed secret societies and as such had become a financial and military threat to the Pope and the princes. They were attacked by French King Philip IV in 1307 and dissolved as an order of the Church by Pope Clement V in 1312.



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