
John-Nelson's video: Geraldo Rivera and Hannity Erupt Over Border Policy: When Did We Become the Party of Child Abuse

@Geraldo Rivera and Hannity Erupt Over Border Policy: ‘When Did We Become the Party of Child Abuse?!’
Online adult community - http://bit.do/etiEW Sparks flew on the set of Hannity Tuesday night as the Fox News host sparred with Geraldo Rivera over the separation of migrant families at the southern border. Sean Hannity first said Democrats were “playing politics” by not taking an immigration deal from President Donald Trump, telling both sides of the aisle to “fix the law and do your jobs.” “Politics aside,” Rivera replied, “This is cruelty as policy. This is an obscenity. This is the government of the United States and the president that we both love, advocating a system by which young children are torn from their mothers.” “Geraldo,” Hannity tried to interject. “History will judge us, Sean,” Rivera continued. “We must take a stand on something. Here is where we draw the line.”



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