
KIDD-RADIO's video: REDEEMED Ready for Revival

@REDEEMED (Ready for Revival)
I Randy Alan Smith have been through tough times like we all have at some point. I have been broken, so i can walk with God and know him. you must be in the spirit. before you ask how do i walk in the spirit? you must understand what it is. I have always had a passion for truth and justice. A fire for God. I have always found it important to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, and the best way to express myself is through my gift of creating music. I was blessed to have the best parents who taught me love as they raised me. As i forged forward in life God took away the most important things from me, my family and the trails began. Much like Job in the Bible I was broken and had to finally surrender and accept the heartaches and hard times after being accustomed to a pretty good life and thousands of (what I thought were) friends. With the time on my hands God sat me down and showed me the ugliness in the world. He showed me the truth. The ways of this world and who really is in control of it. After 4 Revelations (or) personal experience's with God he said "Now you know, and now I will restore you" It didn't happen over night. (Gods time) I accepted every mission with humbleness and humility and when he called me to move to rural upstate New York to be with my brother and help him in the middle of one of the worst winters in decades, I went without question. Although i am a California native my family is from the NY Pennsylvania border a place called Potter County Pennsylvania. A place where time stands still. I was able to reacquaint myself with my roots. While spending time with family members I attended this little country church and little did i know what was happening. a powerful man of God who once was with Billy Graham crusades was visiting the church. He called me up to the front, lay his hand on my forehead and began to prophesy and restore me for service for God.. What an experience! I felt the spirit upon me and God lift me up. A calm confidence came about me! I knew God was ready for me to go back into action, this time a broken soldier saved by grace with an understanding of the urgency to spread his Love!! ... REDEEMED ... At last !!! When one of the deciples asked Jesus, "which is the most important commandment", he answered "LOVE" He gave them a new commandment! a simple one. Love each other as I have loved you! Yes my friends Jesus Christ is real God in the form of a man who suffered far worse than me or anybody for that matter. No one can say " Oh God you don't know how much i suffer down here." because he does. You don't know how much he suffered down here and he did it for you! That's LOVE! spread the word, the good news, we have all been redeemed! Jesus Christ lives!! LOVE is the commandment.; for every problem, love is the answer!! I AM A SINNER ~ BUT MY GOD LOVES ME ~ GOD IS LOVE ~ LOVE IS GOD!! . C U @ THE SHOW!! . I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor FROM REDEEMED PART 1 AND PART 2 (https://www.youtube.com/editor)



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