Kao Plastic Surgery's video: Happy Valentine s Day Ponytail Lift This Is NOT A Facelift - Before And After Selfie Video
@Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️ Ponytail Lift™ This Is NOT A Facelift - Before And After Selfie Video
Don't be confused by imitators... This is NOT a Facelift! I wanted to celebrate Valentine’s Day with this special post. This patient is a BEAUTIFUL 38 year old woman from Dubai who is bothered by droopy eyelids and laxity in her lower face. She has early signs of aging but is too young for a (traditional) facelift… So she pursued every non-surgical treatment on the market:
- She tried fillers to "lift" her cheeks and jowls. But it only made her face bigger, resulting in a loss of her delicate, exquisitely refined feminine features.
- She also tried all types of energy devices ( thermage, ultherapy, radio frequency ) but none really lifted anything. These high energy devices often burn up the fat in the face and cause a paradoxical skin droop when the swelling all goes away.
- She tried threads which were expensive, painful, and didn't last more than 4 months.
We treated her overfilled face by simultaneously dissolving the fillers and performing a with KAO Eyes
Note that the clinical before/afters are at only 2 weeks post op, right Before she flew home. She still had significant swelling and bruising then. The rest of the footage are what she sent me at 6 weeks post-op. Look at the beautiful KaOgee (Ogee curve of youth) : a continuous S shaped curve from the convexity of the cheeks flowing to the concavity of the lower face. All this was done with two tiny 0.5 inch incisions in the hair on each side. This is the power of the PONYTAIL LIFT.
*Please DO NOT be confused by imitators who use incisions that cut in front of the ear and along the temple hairline and calling their procedure ponytail lift or ponytail facelift. This is my registered trademark. This is The Ponytail Difference!
2020 is the dawn of the New Ponytail Era!
Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!
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Dr. Chia Chi Kao is a board-certified aesthetic plastic and reconstructive surgeon with over 20 years of experience whom Vogue claims “is single-handedly revolutionizing the future of facelifts.” Dr. Kao is the founder of the KAO Institute in Santa Monica, California, and is the creator of the new and revolutionary Ponytail Lift™ and Ponytail Facelift™ procedures.
Board Certification:
The American Board of Plastic Surgery
The American Board of Surgery
Professional Societies
Member of American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS)
Member of American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
Kao Plastic Surgery's video: Happy Valentine s Day Ponytail Lift This Is NOT A Facelift - Before And After Selfie Video