Kid StoreTV's video: Parts of a Banana Tree and Banana Fruit for Kids
@Parts of a Banana Tree and Banana Fruit for Kids
After watching this video, your kids can write and speak the Parts of a Banana Tree and Banana Fruit on his/her own for school exams, tests or any school activities.
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Disclaimer: We have learnt this from YouTube and similar types of videos. It is a coincidence if the content or style matching to those videos. However, please let us know if you want to mention your name in the description.
Link: =2&query=bananatree&position=5&from_view=search&track=sph?log-in=email
File Name: banana-tree-concept-illustration
Attribution: Image by storyset on Freepik
Link: =banana&position=34&from_view=search&track=sph
File Name:banana-background-desktop-wallpaper-cute-vector
Attribution:Image by on Freepik
Link: =banana&position=12&from_view=search&track=sph
File Name:
Attribution: Image by Freepik
Kid StoreTV's video: Parts of a Banana Tree and Banana Fruit for Kids