Korean Cultural Center New York's video: Online Conversation Series 5 Presentation Arrangement and Display
@[Online Conversation Series 5] Presentation, Arrangement and Display
Presentation, Arrangement and Display- Where Scholar's Rocks and Contemporary Curatorial Trends Converge
November 16, 2020 (Monday), 5 pm ET
For more information: http://www.koreanculture.org/gallery-korea/2020/10/21/interpreting-the-natural-contemporary-visions-of-scholars-rocks
As a part of “Interpreting the Natural: Contemporary Visions of Scholars' Rocks,” we are hosting a series of conversations with renowned experts, scholars and curators in the field of scholars’ rocks and viewing stones in dialogue with the award winning artists who are featured in this show.
"Presentation, Arrangement and Display- Where Scholar's Rocks and Contemporary Curatorial Trends Converge"
Monday November 16th @ 5pm with Special guests: Jan Stuart, Melvin R. Seiden Curator of Chinese Art, National Museum of Asian Art (see her recent online lecture “Rocks as Art- A Chinese Tradition”), Craig Yee, Founder of Ink Studio in Beijing, with Susan Meyer, and Christopher Frost, featured artists in the show. This talk will focus on the traditional presentation and display of scholars' rocks as a metaphor of current curatorial trends in the field of contemporary art in the USA and the East Asian diaspora.
Online Conversation
- http://www.koreanculture.org/gallery-korea/2020/10/21/expressionism-and-abstraction-from-scholars-rocks-to-contemporary-art
Online Conversation
- http://www.koreanculture.org/gallery-korea/2020/10/14/collecting-and-interpreting-evocative-rocks
Online Conversation
- http://www.koreanculture.org/gallery-korea/2020/11/10/natures-representation-interpretation-and-enculturation-in-viewing-stones
Online Conversation
- http://www.koreanculture.org/gallery-korea/2020/11/13/strange-bedfellows
Online Conversation
- http://www.koreanculture.org/gallery-korea/2020/11/16/presentation-arrangement-and-display
Website: https://www.koreanculture.org
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Korean Cultural Center New York's video: Online Conversation Series 5 Presentation Arrangement and Display