
Limoputri-Channel's video: Kerak Telor nan Nikmat Khas Betawi di Pasar Kuantan Singingi Riau

@Kerak Telor nan Nikmat Khas Betawi di Pasar Kuantan Singingi Riau
Kerak Telor adalah makanan tradisional khas Betawi yang lebih banyak dijual di lapak kaki lima. Makanan ini cukup byk penyukanya kr memang cukup nikmat. Penjual Kerak Telor ini datang dari Betawi secara Berkelompok dan menyebar ke wilayah Kuantan Singingi. Mereka berjualan di pasar Tradisional sore sampai malam hari. Kerak telor lebih disukai dan lebih nikmat dengan menggunakan telor bebek Harga satu porsi cukup terjangkau yaitu Rp 20.000 The egg crust is a traditional Betawi food that is mostly sold in street vendors. This food is enough by the way the appetizer is indeed quite delicious. The seller of the Egg Crust came from Betawi in groups and spread to the Kuantan Singingi area. They sell at the traditional market in the afternoon until evening. Egg crust is preferred and more delicious by using duck eggs The price of one portion is quite affordable, namely IDR 20,000



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