Know someone who gets angry really quickly? Check their BP and make them do these asanas to cool them down.
High blood pressure, or Hypertension, occurs when the flow of blood is higher than the normal rate, leading to some risk in your system.
Here are some very effective asanas for people suffering from High BP.
🧘♀️Supt Virasana or even Virasana is good- It increases the circulation of blood to the lower part of the body
🧘♀️Supt Padungustasana-This asana increases the blood flow to different parts of the body.
🧘♀️Viparit Karani- Your blood circulation gets stimulated and your head plus upper body receive a stronger blood flow, which supplies better oxygen.
🧘♀️Shashankasana-This asana reduces stress and improves blood circulation throughout the body. Controlled breathing while performing this asana promotes calmness and reduces stress from neck and shoulders.
MaaOfAllBlogs's video: Yoga For High BP