@Holi का रंग भले छूटे पर पक्के सफेद बालों से इसका रंग नहीं छूटेगा साबुन शैंपू से रगड़ परेशान
होली का रंग भले छूटे पर पक्के सफेद बालों से इसका रंग नहीं छूटेगा साबुन शैंपू से रगड़ परेशान
काला गहरा रंग देने वाला शैंपू जो सफेद बालों को जड़ोंसे काला बना natural तरीके से सारे सफेद बाल काले
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All the information provided by us through videos on this channel is based on our experience. It should not be considered as professional advice as we are not licensed professionals or a medical practitioner. You are free to consult your practitioner if you want before trying any methods provided in any of the videos. The results may vary person to person depending on how you prepare and apply the methods. This channel does not take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin care issue caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this v
Mumbaikar BINDU's video: Holi