NMEMITV's video: Ace Carib x Jometry x Masato Nakamura - Sonic Symphony Sonic Movie Sega Paramount Piano Cover
@Ace Carib x Jometry x Masato Nakamura - Sonic Symphony | Sonic Movie ( Sega Paramount Piano Cover )
Ace Carib & his bredren Jometry perform some of the classic tunes from the early Sonic games, composed by Masato Nakamura. In retrospective, not only are games from the Sonic franchise are Ace Carib's personal favourite games of all time, they were also one of the most important video games he ever played. The vast music that comprised the soundtracks of the Sonic games is what inspired him to do the music he does today & helped me to develop him iconic signature N.M.E.M.I. Sound. For those who knew Ace Carib growing up, he played Sonic games all the time & also did drawings & artwork from Sonic games. It's not just the gameplay of Sonic games that helped Sega nabbed majority of the market share from Nintendo in the "Console Wars" of the 1990's - it was also the music. The 5 classic Sonic games that are included in the recent Sonic Origins compilation - Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, Sonic 3 & Sonic & Knuckles have excellently written soundtracks. Sonic CD has one of the best soundtracks he has ever heard in his life. The music of Sonic games was so great that Michael Jackson composed music for Sonic 3 - in addition to his game Moonwalker. The past 30 years of Sonic games has had it shared of ups & downs with the Sonic fanbase, but the music has been very consistent & vast. Sonic Adventure 1 & Sonic Adventure 2 for the Sega Dreamcast expanded upon the great music done for previous games by having actual bands contracted to compose music for the games & later on Sega would get full orchestras to compose the music with these bands. Ace Carib & Jometry were inspired to do this video after watching the Sonic 30th Anniversary Symphony virtual concert broadcast that Sega did on June 23rd, 2021 with a live full orchestra & their bands Crush 40, Tomoya Ohtani Band & others ( if you haven't seen this concert, it is a must watch https://youtu.be/UGTlBHNvjsU ). Ace Carib waited till he linked with his bredren Jometry to do a grand performance of this to do something a little bit different & unexpected for people to watch. We hope everyone loves watching this & for everyone who grew up playing these great video games, that the nostalgia takes you back to your childhood. Enjoy!
NMEMITV's video: Ace Carib x Jometry x Masato Nakamura - Sonic Symphony Sonic Movie Sega Paramount Piano Cover