News-House's video: Tot In Baby Walker Tumbles Down Escalator After Wandering From Restaurant
@Tot In Baby Walker Tumbles Down Escalator After Wandering From Restaurant
Tot In Baby Walker Tumbles Down Escalator After Wandering From Restaurant. A nine-month-old tot is lucky to be alive after she tumbled down an escalator in her baby walker.
The infant wandered out of her parents' restaurant in Wuxi, east China, while they were distracted inside.
She was caught on CCTV as she scooted across to the top of the "up" escalator inside the shopping centre.
The tot, not realising the danger, heads straight for the moving stairs and topples forward as the steps hit her plastic frame.
The distressing footage shows heroic soldier, Wang Zihao, catching the baby walker and lifting the girl to safety.
Mr Zihao and his cousin had been travelling down the adjacent escalator when the accident happened.
Wang, 22, was eventually tracked down and thanked by the tot's mother.
He revealed the incident happened while he was off duty, on what was his first day off in three years.
Describing the incident, he said: "I'd just reached the bottom [of the escalator] when I heard the sound of the child falling. "I sprinted two or three steps and caught her."
The child's mum, who did not have time to thank Wang properly during the scare, said: "From the bottom of my heart, I'm so grateful to him."
There are no details of any injuries to the girl.
News-House's video: Tot In Baby Walker Tumbles Down Escalator After Wandering From Restaurant