Nick Zeek's video: 6 STR 4x2 Vs 7 STR 4x4 Scorpio N Z8L Automatic Top End Variants Compared with drive difference
@6 STR 4x2 Vs 7 STR 4x4 | Scorpio N Z8L Automatic (Top End Variants) | Compared with drive difference
We experienced Two Scorpio N Z8L AT variants together: 6 seater 4x2 AT & 7 seater 4x4 AT.
Mini Meetup with my buddy Abhishek Singh in Nagpur.
While we both own the Scorpio N Black Z8L Automatic, mine is 4x4 7 Seater and Abhishek owns a 4x2 6 seater. He has an additional drive mode button in his SUV, while I have an additional feature of wireless charger & 4x4 controls. Rest all feels just same in the driving seat. ECU gives a little different feel in a 4x2 AT, as compared to my 4x4 AT. I love mine for sure being smoother in overall acceleration and power delivery. I may keep his vehicle with me for a few days next month to feel more difference.
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Nick Zeek's video: 6 STR 4x2 Vs 7 STR 4x4 Scorpio N Z8L Automatic Top End Variants Compared with drive difference