Nikhil Autar's video: Dear Antivaxers I KNOW I don t look good Why does this disqualify me from talking about health
@Dear Antivaxers... I KNOW I don't look good. Why does this disqualify me from talking about health?
So I posted a picture of myself getting a vaccine yesterday, and it was lept on by . They came in with their usual unbacked claims and conspiracy theories which I was refuting, but then they started saying "You look horrible lol. Why should we listen to you about health?" and other less kocher things about how I looked.
Well... I'm sort of on the breaking edge of tumor vaccines, and work with researchers who work on preventative vaccines regularly too. I'm a qualified medical researcher, about to do a PhD on vaccines, and a medical student too. But you decide to focus on my skin condition, caused by my instead. Right.
Disabled people can still think dudes. We can and do still do a LOT.
I can't help that I had cancer. Yet here people are implying it's my fault for getting cancer at 17 BECAUSE OF VACCINES...
Thanks ! It's uncanny how so many of you are able to diagnose over the internet without spending a day in ANY science class, and how you're able to do it so well too!
Truly so! And if your criteria for picking healthcare providers is based on "how good they look" - might I suggest a pornstar for your next consult? I hear lots of them can play doctors and nurses (not knocking on . Every one I know could easily defeat any antivaxer in a battle of logic/wit).
To those backing me up... thanks guys. I'm seriously okay though. I'm more disappointed than self conscious. It saddens me there are people who'd stoop low enough to target sick peoples' appearances when they can't make valid arguments.
I've managed to deal with the crippling social anxiety that used to make me super self conscious after I got through cancer with some CBT and self-help. I'm not down about that. I know I'm beautiful ;) More info on how I did that here -- .
I'm actually writing on it here --
I just weep for the next bugger they target who may not be so lucky/ready as me. The effects of - especially are real. Just please be kinder in general people.
I also go into the major arguments antivaxers make regularly, and why they're wrong (it's funny because 20% of all posts are derived from 7 pages on Facebook, so it's really not too hard to refute once you've analysed their information and critically analysed it one or two times). for more.
But yeah... I maybe could understand if I was giving workout tips and a 'tubster', why people would say this - even though, again, I know world leading physios who aren't fit themselves for various reasons who are still employed by top sports teams for their expertise.
I'm not giving wellness advice, I'm talking about vaccines. Something I do know a LOT about. Something I know doctors will do screenings and informed consent for prior to jabbing. Something held by doctors and public health bodies around the world, in high regard. Indeed, the consensus is, based on thousands of studies on millions of people, that they're safe and effective. A lot of antivaxers like to claim we're 'giving health advice,' without realising that they're doing the exact same thing, except they can't even explain HOW a vaccine works (I have yet to chat to 1 antivaxer who can explain basic immunology to me).
But, as I talk about in this video, when I do give wellness advice in the future, it will be evidence based and used to power .
The startups I talk about - Centered Around You ( ) and - In the future, it will be something which uses machine learning to power research into the wellness space.
What many don't realise is that wellness is a $500billion industry which is hardly regulated (unlike the $50bn vaccine market) - and where lots of BS is espoused. Hopefully, in the future, we can demonstrate which alternative advice. Indeed - I intend to convert what I suggest in my books about how to get through situations and become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself into a chatbot, and demonstrate the efficacy of my own espousings.
The first on the market too, perhaps?
In any case... Stay well, and be kind to eachother people. Let me know your thoughts. I'm going to bed - long day ahead! Peace out!
Nikhil Autar's video: Dear Antivaxers I KNOW I don t look good Why does this disqualify me from talking about health