
Rational-Response-Squad's video: Brian Sapient responds to questions about living without god and anti-theism

@Brian Sapient responds to questions about living without god and anti-theism
The forum post for comments on this audio clip is here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/the_rational_response_squad_radio_show/5247 ORIGINAL EMAIL THAT IS RESPONDED TO BY ATHEIST ACTIVIST BRIAN SAPIENT: "Hey Brian haven't talked to you in a while, Still making people not believe in God by sharing the "truth"?. Anyway, why exactly do you beleive there is no God, I mean could their be ? or is there no way? What is the point to life without God? Just look at your mission in life is to what? tell people their is no God, no hope, no meaning to live. Why would you try to take that away. How exactly did we arrive here? Did we materalize from nothing? What exactly has happend in your life that would cause you to believe that God dosent exist? What do I know I'm only 18 but I do belive that there is a all powerful God named Jesus, Read the Bible and youll find that the words spoken a jam packed with wisdom and guidance. What is this feeling I feel when, like God is always with me, and that everything always works out for the best, it is the main reason I get up in the morning. I too used to question God but I now know that after I've been saved I dont do the things I used to do, Im not perfect but I'm still completly diffrent than I was before, For you guys to try and tell me there is no God, who exactly do yo uthink is blind here, I've seen first hand what God in someones life can do, and your no diffrent than any other unsaved person, just trying to find a way to explain your existence without God so you dont feel acountable for your actions when in the end there is no other way and you have to admit what you thought was the "truth" was just a big lie.God can change your life too tou just have to ask and I promise you'll go places you never even imagined, what have you got to lose?, will your rational responder friends kick you out? Shoot you can come hang with me man."



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