
Rational-Response-Squad's video: Brian Sapient vs Ray Comfort Rational Response Squad Show 7

@Brian Sapient vs Ray Comfort Rational Response Squad Show #7
Debate the topics on this show with RRS here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/Ray_Comfort_First_RRS_Appearance Ray Comfort (Christian author, Radio show host, and famous Evangelist). Ray is well known for several arguments, many of which have been posted right here on this message board. The most well known is his argument that atheists don't exist. This argument has two huge flaws. The first flaw is that he defines atheism in his own manner. He claims all atheists know for sure God doesn't exist, yet that is an extremely small percentage of atheists. Atheists, are of many variety, most are similar to what you might consider and agnostic. Simply put atheists are anyone who isn't a theist. They (we) are (a)=without theism. So, he starts with a strawman and then tears it apart with his redefinition of atheism, a definition that sadly many Christians ignorantly adhere to. The other huge problem with the atheists, don't exist argument is that it effectively washes all Christians out of existence as well. Ray claims that atheists must confess in the knowledge they don't have they must admit there could be evidence for God, yet he forgets that in the knowledge that Christians don't have they must hold to the same standard... they must admit there is a chance that evidence exists which prove God doesn't exist. Ray goes on to give an example that he only needs to find gold in a mans tooth in China to prove God exists, which is of course a ridiculous example. Ray claims to "know" for sure God exists, that he doesn't "believe" and that is why he doesn't need to hold to the same standard he wants atheists to hold to. Of course if Ray had any universal evidence for his god, something that he could claim empirical knowledge, something that is 100%, there would be testable and falisifiable scientific evidence for God. I think most of you would agree. In fact most Christians if not almost all admit they believe based on faith. Listen to the show, and hear me confront Ray on these points, however depending on what side of the theistic fence you sit on, you may say "Ray is confronting Sapient" not the other way around. Ray has another famous argument, from his Way of The Master videos with Kirk Cameron in which he claims that the banana is evidence of intelligent design. In fact ironically, this is actually a great example of natural selection at work. The banana has flourished in part because it has been eaten and its seeds have been released through fecal matter. Were the banana impossible to open with seeds on the inside, it wouldn't have lasted long, and in fact there are many plants and trees that have seen that particular fate. Additionally what does one make of the pineapple or coconut? Those are neither easy to eat or open. Claiming the banana is evidence of intelligent design is no different than me claiming that the pineapple is proof that no god exists. And here are two more examples that you will hear in the show: Zucchinis are intelligently designed for the anus, and the gp120 protein of the HIV virus is intelligently designed perfectly to fit with the CD4 protein of a childs T-cells. Praise Jesus! I am frustrated in myself that I didn't present the best arguments on the show, it's prerecorded, if that wasn't clear. I had computer problems that delayed our discussion about 30 minutes, and had me running around the studio like a chicken with it's head cut off. I along with several friends are willing to debate and discuss any points I've made here or any arguments that Ray Comfort makes for that matter. Feel free to discuss how Sapient gets beatdown by Ray Comfort after you listen to the show.



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