
Saber-Duma's video: History of the State of Jin BC770 BC222

@晉國歷史地圖 History of the State of Jin(BC770~BC222)
晋国版图演变(BC770~BC222) Jin, originally known as Tang (唐), was a major state during the middle part of the Zhou dynasty, based near the centre of what was then China, on the lands attributed to the legendary Xia dynasty: the southern part of modern Shanxi. Although it grew in power during the Spring and Autumn period, its aristocratic structure saw it break apart when the duke lost power to his nobles. In 453 bc, Jin was split into three successor states: Han, Zhao and Wei. The Partition of Jin marks the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and the beginning of the Warring States period. 聲明: - 該視頻為 树荫宽时鸟自栖與史圖館所作,本人作為歷史愛好者上傳視頻只為轉載分享,如原作者認為侵犯了權益,可直接留言要求本頻道刪除視頻。 春秋時期的三晉大地曾作為一個超級強權,不僅在諸侯紛爭的亂世為自己奪得了生存空間,更在與齊、楚、秦等強鄰互有勝負的爭鬥中,將威嚴廣布四野。然而,天下沒有不散的宴席。當殘酷的內部鬥爭卻沒能出現唯一的勝利者時,這個龐然大物終於被自己手中的劍所肢解,太原盆地、汾河谷地、上黨高地就此分道揚鑣。聚少離多的三晉雖然有過短暫的輝煌,但內憂外患的衝擊還是逐漸摧垮了它們的基本盤,那些逐鹿中原的雄心壯志湮滅入歷史長河的漩渦。



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