Saint-Peters-Anglican-Church,-Ch%c3%a2teau-d'Oex's video: Evening Worship at St Peter s Chateau d Oex led by Calen Gayle held on Sunday 3 January 2021
@Evening Worship at St. Peter's Chateau d'Oex led by Calen Gayle held on Sunday 3 January 2021
Evening Worship at St. Peter's Chateau d'Oex led by Calen Gayle held on Sunday 3 January 202
Calen is the Children's and Youth Coordinator at All Saints, Vevey. He is responsible for leading ministry for 4-18 year olds in All Saints. Calen’s first instrument was the kazoo. Born in the States, he’s since lived in South Africa, Barbados, France, and Switzerland, where he grew up as a high schooler.
0:00:00 Welcome by Calen Gayle
0:01:30 Hymn - Hereford Carol
0:05:44 Hymn - We Three Kings
0:08:52 Confession
0:11:26 Bible Reading Matthew 2: 1-12
0:13:53 Talk "Wise guys: 2020 vision"
0:40:42 Psalm 90
0:43:33 Prayers
0:51:30 Hymn "Great is thy faithfulness"
Other post by @Saint Peters Anglican Church, Ch%c3%a2teau d'Oex
Saint-Peters-Anglican-Church,-Ch%c3%a2teau-d'Oex's video: Evening Worship at St Peter s Chateau d Oex led by Calen Gayle held on Sunday 3 January 2021