Scott Rose's video: Why you are fat and how to burn it off Hint: It s not exercise
@Why you are fat, and how to burn it off! (Hint: It’s not exercise.)
The Inspirational Nerd Scott Rose explains why you are fat, and how to burn it off! (Hint: It’s not exercise.)
To me, this is one of the most interesting questions that people can ask themselves:
Many people instinctively respond that body fat is all the excess fat that we eat.
But this is actually not true. 😮
Body fat is actually EXCESS SUGAR & CARBS, not excess fat! 😮
Eating fat will NOT turn to fat on the body. 🤯
But eating sugar & carbs WILL turn to fat on the body!
It sounds cray cray, but it's true. 🤪
So this brings us to the next most important question:
Body fat served a very valuable evolutionary purpose when humans didn't have access to food 24/7/365.
Body fat is — drum roll, please — STORED MEALS FOR FUTURE USAGE.
In other words, the human body will EAT ITS OWN BODY FAT FOR ITS NEXT MEAL when there are no external sources of food coming in.
So — and this is the key revelation here — the only way to burn off existing fat is to STOP EATING EXTERNAL SOURCES OF FOOD.
The more common term for this is FASTING.
Fasting gives the body a chance to eat its own body fat as its next meal.
When you skip a meal, you give your body a chance to start eating some of its own body fat instead.
When you skip an entire day's worth of meals (i.e. fast for an entire day), you will give your body a chance to eat up approximately 1/2 pound of fat! 😀
So, for each 24-hour period that you fast, you will burn approximately 1/2 pound of fat! 😃🙌👏
Exercise doesn't burn fat, but fasting does burn fat! 😎🙌🎉
Now if you eat a high-carb diet and you try to fast, it probably won't be a very pleasant experience for you. Your body doesn't yet understand how to eat its own body fat for its next meal, so it will scream out to you that it is starving for more carbs!! 😱
So the solution is to eat a high-fat low-carb diet, which trains the body to seek out FAT instead of CARBS for each meal.
Then, your body will EFFORTLESSLY eat your body fat for its next meal while you're fasting, and YOU WON'T FEEL HUNGRY AT ALL while you're fasting!
Ta-da!! 😃💪🎉🌈
For more help on this, feel free to reach out to me, The Inspirational Nerd! 😊💞
Learn more from keto health coach Scott Rose at
Scott Rose's video: Why you are fat and how to burn it off Hint: It s not exercise