
SpanglishBaby's video: SpanglishBaby LIVE Google Hangout 2 12 13

@SpanglishBaby LIVE Google+ Hangout 2/12/13
We're super excited to share our very first SpanglishBaby Live Google+ Hangout. An opportunity for you to ask questions and discuss topics on bilingualism LIVE with Ana Flores and Roxana A. Soto -- SpanglishBaby.com co-founders, and one of many experts on bilingualism on a biweekly basis. In our first Hangout On Air we discussed the very popular topic of dual language immersion schools and what parents can do to make these programs a reality in their communities. About our guest expert: Simona Montari, PhD. Simona is an Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies at California State University in Los Angeles. She is the department's expert in early multilingual development and has a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Southern California. Simona is Italian and she's also a mommy to trilingual daughters aged 3 and 4 1/2. In addition, she conducts a workshop titled: "How to Raise a Bilingual Child" in the Los Angeles area. Add us to your Circles on Google+: http://http://gplus.to/spanglishbaby Follow our blog: http://SpanglishBaby.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/spanglishbaby



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