The Original Resinator's video: CryoTrimming DRY with The Original Resinator at Mas Mota Farms in Mendocino County California
@CryoTrimming™ DRY with The Original Resinator® at Mas Mota Farms in Mendocino County California
We went deep into the hills of Northern California with Mas Mota Farms and founder of The Original Resinator® brand separators to demonstrate our capabilities of performing our proprietary Cryo-Trim™ process technology.
After the trim demo was complete, we changed screens from the 1/4"mesh trim screen to our 100um kief seperation screen. Then after only 10 minutes, separated the trichomes/resin glands for some golden colored kief we can now use in any number of applications.
Trimming with Co2! Like nothing you have ever experienced... Putting the industry on notice...! Trim 1lb per minute!
When trimming, the OG model has a 1.5lb capacity while the XL model has a 7 lb capacity. Wet, Dry & Flash Freeze all in one. We collect kief, make bubble & trim...all with the help of liquid Co2. Multi-use functionality so you can use our machine all year long. Trimming with CO2 & The Original Resinator for all your cannabis and hemp flowers allows us to trim up to 1lb per minute. Traditional drysift or use dryice for kief/trichome seperation. It's only the use of CO2 that allows to work with live plant material making live resin aka live kief. Our flashfreeze biomass reduction of trichomes/kief allows for assistance in multiple post harvest extractions including distillation, rosin, solventless, water hash, tinctures, sho, edibles, oils, and concentrates. We are changing the way the cannabis community and cannabis industry operates. An industry game changer. Don't settle for less. The Original Resinator is clearly better than the rest. Innovation Beyond Measure.
Please note: The Original Resinator is a BLADELESS system and utilizes liquid C02 as a freezing agent and minimizes any attrition of the quality flower trimmed or processed through our patented CRYO-TRIM™ process. The ’TOR', CRYO-TRIM™ system freezes, fractures and trims by utilizing chamber temperature control between 10 to 30 degrees, (ice cream cold temps). These temperatures protect the valuable elements and vitality within your finished flower such as but not limited to the trichomes, potency, terpenes, and fragrance while trimming the flower. Utilizing our slow rotation of our processing drum, the optimum frozen temperatures causes the external leaves to become just brittle enough to fracture and fall from the flower, exposing a perfectly trimmed flower and without upsetting the trichomes or terpene content. Aggressive scissor work during a common hand trimming process of flower may often cause damage. The 'TOR' system trims with the rise and fall of the flowe creating a pristine finished product without shaping or contouring your flower. The ‘TOR’ system optimizes your finished product to garner maximum quality for wholesale and retail sales.
Liquid C02: When trimming flower, consumption is approximately 1Lbs of Liquid C02 per 1Lbs of biomass. However and to ensure that you don’t run out of Liquid C02 we recommend having 2Lbs of Liquid C02 per each 1Lbs of trimming of flower.
Cost per Lbs of Liquid C02 is approximately $1 per Lbs at retail, while larger volumes of delivered C02 can be purchased for as low as $0.25 per Lbs. Inquire regarding C02 questions and common FAQ.
Extractions: The Original Resinator will produce added value from your residual clippings and which are easy to collect from the “TOR” after each run cycle. You’ll have the option to produce your desire of either choice Keif and/or Bubble. If you so elect. You’ll also be able to process uncured, LIVE kief.
Lyophilization, aka; freeze drying live flowers is certainly the future, which ’TOR’ is leading the industry in “Crop to Cure” technology. The Original Resinator will be able to assist you in selecting the appropriate sized freeze dryer(s) for your operation. This method will create more profits by accelerating your timeline and space/labor requirements typically needed with traditional and arduous costly curing room methods. Because our use of C02, you’ll be able to also process your biomass, flower, kief and bubble all in “LIVE” applications.
You’ll have fresher product, potency, aroma translating towards higher dollar value due to the incredible preservation and presentation of your finished products.
You’ll be able to bypass flower trimming process and work with uncured full, fresh or frozen flower and hence utilize the entire plant to produce “LIVE RESIN” aka; “LIVE KIEF”.
The Original Resinator's video: CryoTrimming DRY with The Original Resinator at Mas Mota Farms in Mendocino County California