
The-Urban-Alternative---Dr.-Tony-Evans's video: Priority of the Kingdom The Urban Alternative Tony Evans

@Priority of the Kingdom | The Urban Alternative | Tony Evans
Priority of the Kingdom | The Urban Alternative | Tony Evans Dr. Evans’ Kingdom Life series teaches us that to be successful as a Kingdom person we must seek FIRST His Kingdom and His righteousness. When we make our own plans with input from the world and friends we wonder why our plans failed. When we leave God out of the equation we miss His blessings and don’t experience the power of the Kingdom. This series will sharpen your spiritual focus, draw you closer to Jesus and teach you how to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for watching my videos Like and Share if You Like This Video God Bless You! Please SUBSCRIBE for more videos: http://goo.gl/MLGXxT Google +: http://goo.gl/abbYly Playlist: http://goo.gl/U5PZ97 Website: TonyEvans.org



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